At Home Holiday Themed Montessori Activities Made Easy

The holiday season is upon us and during the Christmas break, we hope you have some extra time to wind down and spend quality time with your families. If you want to do some fun, holiday and winter themed Montessori activities with your children over the Christmas break, but don’t want to stress out about finding and buying all the craft supplies and making crafts that are Pinterest-worthy, we have taken a few activity ideas and made them even easier for you.

Decorate a Snowman


To make this activity easy on yourself, all you really need is white construction paper and another color for the backing. You can cut out three circles, paste them on the background, and then let your children’s imaginations decorate the snowmen with everyday items such as spare buttons, rice, seeds, markers and cotton balls. You can also use paper or Styrofoam plates instead of construction paper for the body and snowman head. Use leftover styrofoam from any shipping boxes if you have them, and if you’re really crafty or already have the supplies, you can use sequins and googly eyes.

Tracing Shapes


To make this activity easy, you can make the shape templates out of cardstock paper or construction paper. Use regular white paper cut into small squares and then let your kiddos trace the shapes on them and decorate as they wish. There are endless possibilities for decorating the shapes and they can make ornaments, trees, gifts and anything else you can think of. You can also decorate them using the same household supplies as above – cotton balls, rice, beans, straws cut up into small pieces, buttons, sequins, etc.

Bake and Decorate Cookies


This is such a traditional activity and it’s fairly easy. Children love cookies, and making them with you is so much fun for them. Let them work the dough and scoop it out onto the cookie sheet. Let them use the shape cutters as long as they have dull edges. Have a big selection of sprinkles and icing ready for your little decorators, and let them go to town creating their own special cookie masterpieces. The most important ingredient is to have fun. Baking and decorating cookies is a great holiday activity for kids and it allows them to learn life skills and be creative. Enjoy it!