Taylor Made Winter Tip!

Transitioning into colder weather can make it challenging to keep up with your energizing green smoothies, but as we honor the spirit of gratitude this season, we open up to the abundance of nourishing fruits, veggies, and warming spices all around us! This #beautyfood smoothie and masque will get you going and keep you warm, all while feeding your skin both inside and out.

Powerful, deep green kale is the focal point here, for its high content of both vitamin C and A, boosting collagen and promoting renewal of cells. It gives you all the vitamin K you need in a day, while boosting your body’s intake of both iron and calcium. Nutrient dense spinach and chard are added to the blend, for their variety and richness of vitamins and minerals.

We’ve added super spices ginger, cinnamon, and, for the brave, a pinch of cayenne to rev up your circulation, get your blood flowing, and energize!

Yield: 1 serving (8 ounces)
Time: 5 minutes

Smoothie Ingredients:
1 cup unsweetened almond milk | beauty fats + vitamin E
1 small organic apple, chopped | anti-aging vitamins + keeps skin clear
1 small banana | vitamin B for skin plumping + fiber
1  cup fresh spinach | antioxidants + vitamin C for collagen boosting
2 large leaves lacinato kale, chopped | vitamin A for cell renewal
2 leaves Swiss chard | Vitamins A, C. E + K for nourished and youthful skin
1” piece ginger, peeled and chopped | promotes good digestion + immune boosting
½ teaspoon cinnamon | draws oxygen to the skin
Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional) | detoxifying + stimulates digestion
Juice of 1/2 lemon | brightening + detoxifies
1 teaspoon stevia, or to taste | non-glycemic plant sweetener


  1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend at high speed for 1 minute, or until smooth. Pour and enjoy!

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